
Easy to follow programs.
Tailored to you.

Beginner Guide

Begin your yoga journey with the Sun, symbolizing self-awareness and willpower, as we cover the essentials to build a solid foundation for confident practice.

Welcome to Yoga Initiation!

We begin our journey in the Sun, which symbolizes self-consciousness, intelligence, and willpower. Over the next 7 days, we will cover all the essential elements of yoga, laying a solid foundation for navigating our programs with confidence later on.

If you're new to yoga, this is the ideal starting point for your journey. For those with more experience, you can choose any courses available in the app, but we strongly recommend going through this phase first, regardless of your level.

We will focus on proper breathing techniques, explore sun salutation sequences, become familiar with basic movements and terminology, introduce meditation, and, finally, learn how to set intentions before each practice. Upon completion, you'll be well-equipped to select from any of our yoga programs.

We eagerly anticipate guiding you on your path of self-discovery and self-acceptance, and we appreciate you sharing your journey with us.

Let's embark on this transformative practice together!

We will see you on Day 1. Namaste.

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